
How To Enable Night Light In Chrome OS

Most youth today spend a major proportion of their time surfing  the internet in late hours. While surfing internet isn’t a problem in itself, you can strain your eyes by directly looking at your bright screen in low light.  This happens due to the blue light emitted from the screen at night, which in turn can damage your eyes and weaken eyesight.

Looking at the negative aspects of working in late hours, Operating Systems like Windows and macOS have night mode feature to adjust screen brightness in low light. Enabling night mode filters the blue light emitted by screen thereby reducing eye fatigue. Earlier, Chromebooks did not have the night light feature. However, in recent times Chromebook has finally been able to come up with night light in Chrome OS Developer Channel.

So, if you are a regular user of your Chromebook and use it in late hours, this article is a must read for you. Without any further delay let’s see how to enable night light on Chromebooks.

How to Enable Night Light in Chrome OS:

Prerequisite: To enable the night light mode, users are required to enable Developer mode. Also, a backup of all the data is mandatory since changing the mode completely wipes off the data from the Chromebook.

Once the backup has been taken, follow the steps below to change the channel and enable night light mode:

  1. To change the channel to Developer Mode, navigate to Settings. Here click on the three horizontal lines usually referred to as hamburger icon. Now from the drop-down menu tap About Chrome OS.

Source: Beebom

  1. From About Chrome OS, tap on Detailed build information. The Detailed build information displays the channel you are currently on. Tap on Change Channel.

Note: Make sure you are logged into the administrative account to change the channel. If not, you need to logout and then log in to the admin account. 

Once you click on Change Channel, a list showing the different channels like Stable, Developer -unstable and Beta will be displayed. Here choose Developer -unstable and then tap on Change Channel.

Source: Beebom

  1. After you have opted to change the channel navigate to the Setting Page again. The Chrome OS will then be updated to the Developer Channel. Post this you will be asked to restart the Chromebook, tap Restart to continue.

Source: Beebom

Note: Upon restart, the channel will be changed to “Version x.x.x.x (Official Build) dev”.

  1. Once the Chromebook has restarted, launch Google Chrome and then in the address bar type the following:


After you have done this, a list of Google Flags will be displayed to you. Locate Enable Night Light and tap Enable. A restart is required for the changes to be applied, when prompted tap on RESTART NOW.

Source: Beebom

  1. Once the nightlight is enabled, navigate to Setting > Device > Displays. Here scroll down to locate Night Light, and toggle it on.

Source: Beebom

  1. Night light can also be scheduled from Sunset to Sunrise or can even be customized by opting for Custom Schedule.

Not only this, you can even change the temperature of color by changing the color warmth.

Night Light is an awesome feature for people who tend to operate their Chromebooks in late hours. Although it should’ve been a regular feature since Chromebooks’ introduction, it is now available, even if it requires you to work in Developer mode. We hope this features sees and official release with future versions of Chromebooks

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