
Google Quantum Supremacy : Explained

Google is claiming to build something out of the box which is capable of solving hard of the hardest problems within a fraction of seconds, precisely 200 seconds. They believe that a supercomputer can solve such a problem in several years but Quantum supremacy will be able to resolve it in no time. And, this exponentially fast method is just not possible with regular or classical computers, considering the complexity. Hence, the need for quantum computers, or rather Quantum Supremacy.

Before we move to Quantum supremacy, let’s take a look at Quantum computers before and their difference from a conventional computer.

Quantum Computer v/s Traditional Computer

The traditional computer runs along the line of 0 or 1 at a time. Moreover, this manipulation between the bits is the rule of utilizing the flow of electricity which has solved multiple mathematical problems till now. Overall, there is a generation of one bit at a time.

Now Quantum computer is bringing a method where 0 and 1 are used at the same time. Google along with NASA, is multiplying this nature of using 0 and 1 at the same time at a higher and complex level. They say that if a supercomputer can solve a typical equation in 10,000 years, Google quantum supremacy could achieve it 200 seconds.

See the difference, and quick we are going to be in the future?

So What Is The Result Of Quantum Supremacy 2019 ?

There will be a significant shift in the world of quantum computing. ‘Sycamore’, a new quantum processor contains a two-dimensional array of 54 qubits. Quantum supremacy, using a programmable superconducting processor can be achieved now without leaving a space of errors.

Here, each qubit is supposed to double up in a rectangular lattice manner while taking complexity to another level. Now, this mixture of qubits is so powerful that one may find its essence of quick workability.

Now you may understand that simultaneous use of 0 and 1, quantum states up to 52 qubits, and the expanded dimension is simply going to break the record of traditional computers. We believe that we are ready to face some real-world problems very well.

Also Read: 5 Reasons Why Firefox Quantum is Better Than Google Chrome

What Do Critics Say?

After Quantum supremacy explained, there are certain critics who placed their points. Computer scientists at IBM say they developed a supercomputer called Summit, which is capable of completing a problem in around 2.5 days, rather than 10,000 years, as Google claims.

Though Google says that they do not intend to hurt rivals’ intensions but the chip developed is extremely powerful to break all the records.

What Do We Think?

It’s TECHNOLOGY, after all. Where do you expect it to go? Of course, it develops and developing. When talking about Google quantum supremacy, this term was coined in 2012 by John Preskill, a physicist at Caltech. He said that quantum computers can perform a task which classical computers can’t.

And in his words, we think Google has leaped in success. Yes, the output is still awaiting and thanks to new development. With rising complexes, we will be surely able to break them real soon.

The real results and its economic impact will be calculated in a few years. Let it mature and gain some advances. Only then we can say how Google quantum supremacy is a real-time winner.

What Do You Want To Say?

We would like to know your thoughts on this coming technology. What do you think its consequences would be? We would like to hear from you in the comment section below.

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