
Google goes to Oscar 2019 with Google Assistant

What was Google doing at Oscars?

Google lent a hand during 91st annual Oscars Sunday night, to advertise its new software, including Google Assistant and other hardware. Plus, the company showed how some classic and recent films would change with Google’s AI helper.

What did Google do to get noticed at Oscars?Google made movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey, Ladybird, Psycho, and Scream appear in a short and that was played throughout the show. The ad showcased crucial scenes from each of these movies to show how each movie would work with Google Assistant to save time or assist the characters.

In Scream, Drew Barrymore uses a Nest camera to ward off Ghostface, while Lyft is used to get out of an annoying situation in Lady Bird.

Is Google Assistant appearing in a classic movie for the first time?

Google’s AI Assistant isn’t appearing for the first time in classic movies. Earlier in December in a commercial Google Assistant reimagined Home Alone with AI-friendly scenario.

What commercials did Google air at Oscars?

In the commercials shown at the show, the first scene) in 2001: A Space in Odyssey Dave Bowman (Keir Dullea asks HAL to “Open the pod bay doors.” But the ship doesn’t do as commanded, Bowman looks to Google Home Mini to get the job done.

“Hey Google, open the pod bay doors,” Bowman says in the clip.

Next is Ed Helms The Hangover character using Pixel 3 XL show him the wild photos from the night before.

This is not it, there’s more to the commercial to know more about it you can check the below tweets:

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