
How to Find App Country of Origin in Android Device (2023)

If you want to find the country of origin of the installed app, then there are quite a few ways of doing this. This information is relevant for many reasons and one of them being political tension between countries where you might be barred from installing products developed in a certain country. Another reason might be if someone wants to contact the developer for any reason, etc. Here are some easy ways to find the app country and app developer details

Methods To Find App Country Of Origin In Android Device (2023)

There are four ways to find the app owner’s country of origin and app developer as listed below:

We will take the VLC app as an example and check if the country of origin information can be retrieved using all four methods.

1. Google Play Store

The app developer details are often available on the Google Play Store page. These details will be available in the More Information section once you scroll down the app page.

The Google Play Store lists complete information and mentions the address of the developer. This information is available after navigating to the Google Play Store app page and scrolling down until you get to the App Support Section. Now you can read the address which clearly mentions the country of the app origin.

2. Wikipedia

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that contains a lot of information about different subjects and topics. You can find detailed information about the app listed on the relevant page.

This Wikipedia page lists detailed information about the VLC app and you can read through the article to find app owner country information.

3. Google Search

The Google website and search engine scans the entire world wide web and returns the most relevant search results.

The words French and Paris indicate that this app was developed in France.

4. Use a Dedicated Application

There are applications available that lists all the apps installed in your Android smartphone and lets you know about the app’s country of origin.

One such application is App Country: Country of origin. You can find it on Google Play Store and use it to search the origin of the applications installed on your Android device. It will help to list all the apps sorted by their developing country of origin which makes this information clear and concise.

The Final Word On How To Find App Country Of Origin In Android Device (2023)

The App Country Finder is an amazing application that is available free to cost and can even uninstall your apps if you do not want them. This must-have app lists all the apps installed on your phone sorted alphabetically country-wise and allows users to either take a backup and create an installer APK or uninstall the app from the same list.

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