
Enable Scroll Anchoring To Prevent Page Jumps In Chrome

While browsing Internet on smartphone, you might encounter a situation where we tap on something but page suddenly jumps resulting in unwanted clicking. This generally occurs when internet connection is slow and ads, images etc. are rendered at the end. To cope with this situation, Chrome has ‘Scroll Anchoring’ option to prevent these confusing page jumps. Scroll Anchoring can be enabled from the Chrome flags menu and makes browsing a much less, cringeworthy experience. In this article, we have discussed in detail how you can use this function. Simply follow the instructions below.

How To Enable Scroll Anchoring In Chrome:

Enabling Scroll Anchoring is very simple, you just have to perform some steps and it will be enabled.

Once it is enabled you will see a huge difference between in browsing internet.

  1. Open Chrome browser on your Android device, and enter the following path in the address bar:
    2. Typing “chrome://flags” will open Chrome flags page which contains all the different experimental features.

3. Now in the Chrome flags page search manually Scroll Anchoring. You can do this by tapping on the 3 dots on upper right corner of the screen and then tapping on Find in page for automatic searching. In the search bar type “Scroll Anchoring”.
4. Now, from Scroll Anchoring section, open the menu by clicking on the tab where Default is written. From the list choose Enabled.

5. Once you click on Enabled you will be prompted to restart the Chrome browser by tapping on RELAUNCH NOW button.

Once the browser restarts changes will be applied.

Note: Sometimes, you have to force close the application for the changes to take place.

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How It Works:

This feature is hidden in the chrome://flags menu because it is in experimental stage. Once this feature is fully developed, this feature will be enabled in Chrome directly and will be removed entirely from chrome://flags menu.

You can also directly visit the Scroll anchoring section by typing chrome://flags/#enable-scroll-anchoring in the address bar.

Once this setting is enabled you will see that there is huge difference in browsing internet, now you not be annoyed by the automatic page jumps which will prevent you from unwanted clicking.

As this feature is still in experimental stage you will sometime find this feature is not working properly. Google will ask you to report if you find page jumps even after enabling this feature.

However, in most of the cases page jumps will be removed and you will get smooth browsing experience.

Chrome flags contains many features which are still in its experimental stage. We suggest that you not to enable any extra feature without reading about it. These experimental features may result in non-working of your chrome browser.

In case you find that Chrome is not working after enabling these features then you can easily wipe the application data and restart all over again. Wiping application data will revert all the changes done to the application, after wiping the data you application will start fresh and the you can again go to chrome://flags menu for playing with experimental features.

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