For Android

Different Ways To Uninstall Android Apps

Whether you are on a mission to recover space on your Android or remove unwanted apps, you need to uninstall apps for that. Do you know how to uninstall apps from Android smartphone? Do you know how to remove sideloaded apps? Well, if you don’t! There is nothing to worry. We will help you with that!

In this post, we have mentioned four methods for deleting apps from all versions of Android. So, let’s get started!

Method 1: Remove Android apps from Home screen or App Drawer (Android 8 Oreo, Android 7 Nougat, Android 6 Marshmallow)

To remove the apps from all latest versions of Android, follow these steps:

Step 1: Locate the app’s shortcut that you want to delete either on Home screen or App Drawer.

Step 2: Tap and hold the app icon.

Step 3: Upon doing that, you will get two options: Select Uninstall.

Step 4: Drag the app to Uninstall option and leave it there.

Step 5: A prompt will appear to confirm that you want to uninstall an app. Tap OK.

Once the app is deleted, your Android device will show a message that the app is uninstalled.

Note: For some of the apps, you might get Remove option instead of Uninstall. That’s means the app is a part of Android OS bundled with your device, that’s why you can’t uninstall it.

Method 2: Delete Android apps From Settings

To remove apps from Android using Settings, follow these steps:

Step1: Navigate to Settings from home screen.

Step 2: Go to the Apps section.

Step 3: You will get a list of apps installed on your Android device.

Step 4: Locate the app that you want to delete and tap on it. You will be provided with app info.

Step 5: Look for the Uninstall button and tap on it.

Step 6: You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Press OK to uninstall.

Note: If you don’t see an uninstall option, then it can’t be uninstalled aa they are bundled with your Android OS. You can only disable the app, so the shortcut will disappear. Also, the app will not release the space acquired.

Method 3: Remove Android Apps From Play Store:

This process works for all latest versions of Android, follow these steps to uninstall the app using Play Store:

Step 1: Launch Play Store.

Step 2: Tap on hamburger icon located at the upper left-hand corner.

Step 3: On Play Store, at the bottom of the screen, tap My apps & games.

Step 4: Select the Installed tab.

Step 5: You will get a list displaying all the apps installed on your Android device.

Step 6: Locate the app that you want to remove.

Step 7: Tap on Open button beside the name.

Step 8: Click on Uninstall button once you get the app’s Play Store page.

Step 9: You will be prompted to confirm to uninstall the app. Tap on OK to complete.

The app will be deleted from your Android device

Method 4: Uninstall App From Home Screen (works only on Android 8 or later)

If you Android 8 Oreo, then you have the simplest way to uninstall apps. Follow these steps to uninstall apps:

Step 1: On Home screen, locate the app’s shortcut that you want to delete.

Step 2: You will get a context menu with various options.

Step 3: Locate Uninstall and tap it.

Step 4: You Will have prompted to provide confirmation to delete the app.

Select OK and the app is uninstalled, and you will get a confirmation too.

So, these are the various methods that can be used to
remove Android apps from Android 6 or later versions. When you remove app, you also recover space as the files related to it are deleted from your device. Also, the speed and performance of the device enhance.

Well, that’s it! Which method is your favorite? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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