Future Tech

Coronavirus Lockdown: How Smart Home Devices Can Keep You Safe

The Coronavirus outbreak has zapped the entire world, making our lives nothing less than a living nightmare. 2020 is the year where we’ve become closer to using terms like social distancing, quarantine, isolation, and sanitization in our everyday conversations.

To combat this dreadful pandemic disease, we need to ensure that we’re staying at our homes to prevent the further spreading of the infection to more people. Another important thing which we need to make sure is to keep our hands off from our faces and to regularly wash and sanitize our hands every hour to keep them germ-free.

Image Source: The Motley Fool

Almost half of the world is locked down inside their houses; it becomes utterly crucial to keep our home and surroundings safe. So, how can you keep your smart home safe while keeping infection at bay? Well, to survive for an extended period of being locked in our houses, it’s advisable to adopt a few safety measures that will allow you to keep your hands away from touching surfaces.

Image Source: Home Cleaning and Caring

We’re all pretty much aware of the benefits of having smart home devices in our lives, right? Here are a few ways by which you can ensure smart home safety with the help of technology and innovation to minimize the germ contact. 

Let’s get started.

How Smart Home Devices Can Keep You Safe

Smart Lights

The experience of using smart lights at our home is magical. In one touch, you can turn on/off the light, control multiple lights at once, set up the room ambience, and what not. 

Image Source: CNET

We regularly keep touching the switchboards to turn on/off the home lights. This may prove out to be quite dangerous as it can transmit the germs stuck to one surface to another. Well, it’s time to ditch using the traditional lights and switchboards. We’re sure you must’ve got a bunch of smart lights at your home, right? If not, then maybe, now is the time. Order a bunch of smart lights at your home and install them everywhere around your house so that you can easily control your home’s lighting with the help of a mobile app, rather than touching potentially infected surfaces and objects. 

And you know what the best part is? You can easily install these lights at your home by following the instruction manual, and you don’t need any third-party help from a technician. The process of installing the smart lights and adding them to your home’s Wi-Fi network is pretty simple. (Good Luck)

Also read: Confused about which smart light to buy? Here are the 5 best smart lights to lighten up your home.

Use Google Home/ Amazon Echo

Image Source: CNETImage Source: The Wire Cutter 

Another vital measure to ensure smart home safety is by relying on smart home speaker devices like Google Home and Amazon Echo. With the help of these devices, you can easily accomplish your day to day tasks in a hands-free mode, without touching the surfaces. Just fire up a few voice commands and get things done in a way to make the most of your self-quarantine time. 

Also Read: How To Play Music On Google Home Devices

Video Doorbell

Image Source: Gadget Flow

Is your smart home equipped with a video doorbell? If not, then maybe now is an ideal time to invest in a nifty security gadget like this. Doing so, will not only make your smart home more secure but will also help in minimizing human contacts with anyone who pops up on your door uninvited.

Pro tip: You can also buy a smart lock that can be controlled via an app that helps you in avoiding touching your keys. 

Cleanliness is the KEY!

Image Source: Market Watch

Using smart home devices will ensure a strengthened smart home safety offering you more power to control your house with your voice commands. Smart home devices will make sure that your exposure of touching surfaces is minimized and your hands remain germs-free. Do make sure that you effectively clean all your household items and frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, kitchen slab, TV remote, keyboards, and mouse, etc. 

Stay healthy and stay put folks. Cleanliness is the key, and we’re in this together! 

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