For iPhone

Are Your iPhone’s Icons Shaking? Now Fix It on Your Own!

The final spritzer

There are times when your iPhone icons start waggling and your screen appears shaky. You might think something is wrong with the device, as you will be unable to launch any apps during this time. But do not worry as this is not a bug or problem, but simply an iOS feature that you can easy turn off.

iphone icon shakingiphone icon shaking

Why Your iPhone Icons Shake: Delete, Move and Rearrange Your Apps

Tapping and holding icons will bring your device in ‘Arrange/Edit Mode’ where you can uninstall and rearrange icons on screen. Therefore your app icons shaking is simply an indication that your device is in ‘Arrange /Edit Mode.

How To Stop Icons From Shaking And Jiggling

As we’ve realized why your iPhone icons shake, the next important question is, how to get the icons to normal state? Whenever you face this situation, you can get rid of it by pressing the Home button. Yes, it was that simple. In case you move or delete few apps from your phone, just press Home button to save recent changes .

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